There are certain ways an animal’s body reacts and behaves in different circumstances. You’ve heard how there are criminal psychologists or the ones in certain examinations to keep a check on the candidate’s body language, however subtle it might be, right? From the dilation of pupils to pursing of lips and not blinking, from the creases that form when smiling, to the way the person is licking their lips, every little detail gives away the mental turmoil of a brain.
Our cats are no different. It’s true that we still don’t have the gadget to decode Kitty language for us, but if we pay close attention to them, their actions and behaviors from eyes to ears, to tail, and everything else give away a general idea of what or how they are feeling.
Various Ways Our Felines Communicate
Undoubtedly, with their captivating gaze and mysterious demeanor, our little feline buds have their unique way of communicating with us, which extends beyond just vocalizations and even to the most subtle body language. Their ears, however, happen to be one of the most fascinating aspects of decoding our cats.
Before we get into more detail on how we can make out a vast expressive land of cats by their subtle ear movements; the infographic below will help you understand some of the common and significant cat actions and body language and what they mean.

Understanding Cat’s Ear Language
Apart from tails, eyes, whiskers and teeth, cat’s ears are one of the prominent parts they use to indicate their state of mind. We have tried to explain some basic and most used ear gestures of cats that you can pay attention to, to understand how your little feline bud is feeling. With 32 muscles allowing independent movement, a cat’s ears are incredibly expressive and can rotate like radar dishes, capturing a wide range of sounds, apart from helping them communicate their emotions effectively. Let’s find out what you can make out about your feline via the state of their ears.
- Neutral Position: A Relaxed and Content Cat
The cat’s ears are naturally erect, so that doesn’t say much. But it’s the direction and bend that holds significance. If the cat’s ears are facing forward with a slight sideways tilt, they tend to be content, happy, and relaxed at the moment. The position is often observed when a cat is receiving affection, lounging in a sunny spot, or simply enjoying a moment of relaxation. Cat parents who recognize this contented expression can tailor their interactions to provide more of the activities that bring joy and comfort to their feline companions. You can also use this moment to touch and pat your cat as they are more accepting of these in this state.
- Erect and Forward: The Curious Cat
If the ears of your feline are facing forward, it generally denotes a sense of curiosity and engagement with the surroundings. It also serves to point the external ear flap towards interesting sounds so as to gather as much information about the situation as possible. In this case, it might indicate that the cat is focused on a particular sight, sound, or maybe a potential playmate.
- ‘Airplane Ears’: A Feeling of Unease
It is the situation where the cat flattens its ears and points them sideways. It tends to convey that the cat is not feeling at ease and might even be feeling threatened or anxious to an extent. You can specifically see such a reaction if you are trimming your kitty’s nails, introducing them to a new pet, or any other such stressful or unfamiliar situation. In these cases, you need to be careful and ensure that the condition does not escalate as this can be an early indication that it is asking you to back off!
Also, Read- Essential Travel Accessories for Cats
- Flattened and Pinned Back: The Defensive Stance
This particularly is a defensive posture that indicates that your cat is feeling threatened, scared, or concerned. This posture tells you to watch out and be careful as your cat is not just scared and defensive, but there is a high possibility that it is also angry and would tend to be aggressive. You can say that it is their way of conveying that they want you to stay back and leave them alone. It is more likely a threat that has the potential of turning into an attack if their message isn’t heard or respected.
- Rapid Twitching: The Playful Pounce
Rapid ear movements, especially when accompanied by a twitching tail, indicate a playful mood. This dynamic combination of body language signals an imminent pounce or a playful swat. Engaging in interactive play during these moments not only provides physical exercise for the cat but also strengthens the bond between the cat and its human companion, creating a positive and enriching environment.
In the intricate tapestry of cat communication, ear movements emerge as a silent yet powerful language. By understanding the subtle cues in a cat’s ear positions, pet parents can foster stronger bonds and create environments that cater to their feline companions’ emotional needs. It’s a non-verbal conversation, a dance of ears that goes beyond spoken language, enriching the connection between cats and their devoted human companions.